Sunday, February 9, 2014

I saw it in her eyes...

I want to be a vessel for God. I want Him to work through me. I am by no means perfect or acceptable, but I know that God has never had anyone qualified working for Him. Regardless of how I have acted or how far I have come on my journey with Christ, I know that I want to be a shining example of His love. 

I had the opportunity. 

My wife and I were shopping for birthday presents for our daughter. (Now we have been going through a tough time financially. Some recent setbacks could have destroyed us. Yet, we are God's people, and we will not be stopped so easily.) We were drawn to the jewelry and some earrings. My wife picked up a pair and thought they may be a good fit for our daughter. At this same time, peering from the adjacent side of the counter was an older woman, probably seventy years old. She was on oxygen, her white hair conservatively done up as most older woman seem to prefer. To me she is the typical grandma. She could have been married for fifty years, buried her husband and have seen several grandchildren born and grown. My grandma is a woman like her, and I know many others just like her. 

This woman, from across the counter, explained how those earrings were her absolute favorite. She said there were others by that brand in another section. Quite friendly, and looking for an opportunity to interact with anyone sharing a similar interest. She was shopping with what seemed to be her daughter, and after a quick exchange with us, went back to her own browsing. At this point, I thought nothing more of our interaction, and we went about browsing more jewelry. After a few minutes, my wife settled on a pair and we made our way over to checkout at the jewelry counter. 

Once at the register, the older woman, whom had been admiring the jewelry still this whole time, asked if we picked the pair that she liked so much. We said no, and that we chose a different pair. The older woman then said how she loved the first pair that we picked up, and would love so much to have it, but she just couldn't afford it. 

Now, this pair of earrings was only twenty dollars. How often do we overlook twenty dollars as just a menial amount? So often, I know I have. Yet, at this point we are recovering from a financial setback, and know all too well how every dollar counts, especially twenty dollars. Though, I thought to myself why doesn't this woman, at her age, buy what she wants? Why is she denying herself a twenty dollar pair of earrings that she longs for? To me, someone who has lived a long life, has reached an age where they should enjoy things, especially an inexpensive pair of earrings. Yet, I don't know her situation or what she may be or have been struggling with. 

Thoughts continue in my mind. I would buy my grandma a cheap pair of earrings if she wanted them. If this was my elderly mother, I would make sure she had something pretty to wear. Then, my wife quietly says to me, "I wish we could buy them for her". There is was - validation. My wife felt the same way that I did. We were there, able to bless this woman, and both of us strongly felt this is what we should do. Now, all good things are of God, and a chance like this is definitely God. 

It happened so quickly. I picked up the earrings as if checking them out one last time, and nonchalantly asked the older woman if these were the earring she was talking about. You know, like I wanted to make  sure we were buying the right pair. The ones that had great local reviews. I purchased the pair and asked for a box and a gift receipt, just in case. I then went around the counter, and was stopped. I hesitated. I turned to my wife and told her I wanted to wait since the older woman was engaged with the sales associate and I didn't want to interrupt. My wife encouraged me to just go ahead and give the earrings to her. I did. I excused myself, and told the older that Jesus loves us, and He wants to make sure she has these. She stopped and just looked at me. 

It was in her eyes. I've never seen this before. This sort of overwhelmed, overjoyed, cannot believe I'm loved look. Her eyes glassed over with tears and she just looked at me with amazement. She graciously accepted the gift and approached me as if for a hug. I couldn't resist, and just wrapped my arms around her. Jesus does love her, and I believe that He wanted us to help her see just how much she is loved. The girl behind the counter, said something to the accord of how sweet we were in doing this for the older woman. 

It's not us. It's God. It's He that lives in us, that wants to work through us. We quickly left, as my wife teared up a bit, and that was it. I don't know what that older woman may have been dealing with. What her struggle might have been, or where she was with The Lord. I do know, that she felt loved right then. I do know that what we did was in the name of Jesus. She felt God's kind of love. That agape love. I was so glad to have been there for it. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Getting There - The War Wages On

It has been nearly a year since I started blogging my journey with Christ. I would have liked to have written more posts, but living life is much more fruitful than documenting it. The past year has been a whirlwind of struggles and triumphs - more triumphs, though. 

When I look back, and look inward, I see the same struggle of self rearing its ugly head. It's not as often, and it is more easily defeated than before. This, I thank God for. 

God has helped me grow. Knowing more of who God is and how much he loves me is what has awakened the best of me. Notice that God loves me, present tense. God didn't love me once and forget about me. He isn't waiting for me to be perfect and worthy of His love. He loves me now! He always has. God was waiting for me - to seek Him. 

I'm seeking Him, more now than ever. I want to be on fire for God. I want to be a man of God. I want to constantly live in the knowledge of his love towards me. I want to seek a relationship with Him. I want to shout that I AM GOD'S PEOPLE! 

Creator of heaven and earth. A God so mighty, he holds the universe in the palm of His hand. A God who so loved the world, He gave His only Son - He died so we may live! God made the rainbow to show His promise. What can I make to show my love for God!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Hope Comes in the Morning.

I want to be stirred up. I want to be full of God. I pray that my focus is on Him. The more I listen to a teaching on the word, or read scripture, the more alive I feel. The problem areas in my life are solved when my attention is turned to The Lord.

I have been dealing with doubt and self-centeredness, which before I have noted lead to grief. The world has started to rule my thoughts and make it difficult to have joy. I haven't been pleasant to be around either. Diving back into the word of God and His perfect love, has revealed to me the gifts that I have. I have been granted care over the most amazing children I could ever ask for. I have been blessed with the most wonderful wife, who has become my best friend and partner in this journey. God has also granted me prosperity, both in health and finances. I am so thankful for these gifts, and know they are only possible through Jesus Christ.

It is always darkest before the dawn, but hope comes in the morning. In my darkest hours, God is there. When it feels like it would be easy to give up, I want to remember that God will not challenge me with more than I can handle. I was made for this life! How awesome is that?

I want to continue to seek The Lord for truth, and knowledge of His love, so that I may be an example of God's perfect love. Lord, I thank you for loving me first, and blessing me.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

focus on HIM

It just has to be. So many times I want to put the focus on myself. I look to the world for answers, gratification, reassurance. Just about 100% of the time, the world gives me lies. The world tells me I'm a failure, that I can never win and am destined to suffer.

Wait! Why does it seem like the world is so against me?

Personally, I think the world is jealous. Simply put, I know God loves me and thinks I'm pretty great. The world doesn't have that. The world is fallen and full of sinners. I'm a sinner just like all the rest of the world, but I have the greatest love of all - God! When I put my focus back on Him, amazing things happen. It's inside of me and even reflected on the outside. My whole day, and life turns out so much better when I focus on God and what His son Jesus did to save me.

Here's a reminder, to myself, focus on Him. Give thanks to God, and praise Jesus each and every day. Make the choice to focus on God and I will BE the new creation that He made me.


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Be real.

I haven't had a post in a couple weeks. Truth be told, I couldn't think of what to write about. Why now, am I thinking of what to blog about? I want to express my journey as a man, devout to living a life for Christ and further seeking Him. It's simple, and uncomplicated, so why am I adding this degree of difficulty?

My wonderful wife lent me a bit of insight - just be real. I love her for this honesty, and I cherish her as my best friend.

Here's the real. I have to be real and not a facade. It's finding my identity. My God lends me insight to my identity on a daily basis, but I need to seek Him for that information. I haven't been engaged in the word as much as I had been, or as much as I should. The strange thing is, I have an aching desire to spend time in the word and communicate with God - I miss it.

Focusing on God, and further seeking knowledge of my identity in Him makes each day better. I feel stronger, smarter, healthier and generally have a much better outlook on everything. When I think of all the great things I can do, I thank God for these abilities. I can fix cars, I can cook, I can do business, I can love, I can be a best friend, I can be a great father - I can be a great man!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Husband. Loves - Learns.

If it were easy it wouldn't be worth it. It's hard to explain in words or detail just how special and rewarding it is to be married. Giving your life to someone and living to serve them over yourself is a huge honor and a tough job. Of course, this is if you live, and are married, following God's word. I don't come close to loving and treating my wife the way God wants me to. Needless to say, I am learning and growing along the way. It will be two years tomorrow since I married my best friend, a woman who I am blessed to have been led to. I feel there was definitely a divine plan for my wife and I coming together. Our lives crossed probably more times than we realize before we finally started dating. Once we dated, I was certain she was the one for me. It was this feeling of "where have you been all my life?!", and that's an understatement.

Over the past two years, we have grown closer together and stronger as a couple. There have been many areas of my own life and thinking that have been brought to the surface by God so that I could deal with them. It hasn't always been sunshine and rainbows, but I would be lost right now if I couldn't come home to my love. She means so much to me, and makes me feel free! I am truly, madly, deeply (excuse the 90's song reference) in love with my wife, and want to live each day for her and my family and God. I am blessed beyond my comprehension by getting to be her husband!

I'm learning, how to live for Christ, how to love my wife the way God wants me to. I'm loving every minute of it! I love you, Rachelle, forever. Here's to many more years to come!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Dad. Cooks!

I have always loved cooking. One of the biggest joys I find in cooking is making something that everyone likes. It's such a great feeling to create a dinner that your family enjoys eating and is actually good food. Cooking gives me a chance to give rather than get. It's important to be selfless, and give to my family when I can.

This was a difficult area for me, and I struggled with it for some time. I wasn't used to doing or giving, and doing so with the right motive. Now the variable here is the motive. I was a big fan of giving and doing, but I wanted something in return - some sort of praise or favor. God is helping me develop as a joyful giver and a blessing. I want to bless my family, first and foremost. As the man and provider of my home, it's easy to get lost in the world and start thinking of me - all that I do and what do I get in return. This isn't what God wants. God wants me to bless my family and praise His name. This isn't natural but since I'm born again God is helping me with this issue as I seek His wisdom. I tell you, it feels great though. To give and provide, and then want to bless my family as much as I can, and lesson the urge to expect something in return. If I allow God to use me as a blessing, He will bless me and my family so much more!

**Tonight's dish, by the way, was Tia's favorite - verde chicken tacos!

3 chicken breasts covered in Weber Kick'n Chicken seasoning and taco seasoning - grill it!

Several tomatillos, poblano and jalapeƱo peppers - grill 'em! Then blend them with some kosher salt, lime juice, pepper and white wine vinegar.

Cut up the chicken, put some in a soft taco shell, cover it with the salsa verde - onions - cheese. Make it your own, and enjoy it!