Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Husband. Loves - Learns.

If it were easy it wouldn't be worth it. It's hard to explain in words or detail just how special and rewarding it is to be married. Giving your life to someone and living to serve them over yourself is a huge honor and a tough job. Of course, this is if you live, and are married, following God's word. I don't come close to loving and treating my wife the way God wants me to. Needless to say, I am learning and growing along the way. It will be two years tomorrow since I married my best friend, a woman who I am blessed to have been led to. I feel there was definitely a divine plan for my wife and I coming together. Our lives crossed probably more times than we realize before we finally started dating. Once we dated, I was certain she was the one for me. It was this feeling of "where have you been all my life?!", and that's an understatement.

Over the past two years, we have grown closer together and stronger as a couple. There have been many areas of my own life and thinking that have been brought to the surface by God so that I could deal with them. It hasn't always been sunshine and rainbows, but I would be lost right now if I couldn't come home to my love. She means so much to me, and makes me feel free! I am truly, madly, deeply (excuse the 90's song reference) in love with my wife, and want to live each day for her and my family and God. I am blessed beyond my comprehension by getting to be her husband!

I'm learning, how to live for Christ, how to love my wife the way God wants me to. I'm loving every minute of it! I love you, Rachelle, forever. Here's to many more years to come!

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