Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Dad. Cooks!

I have always loved cooking. One of the biggest joys I find in cooking is making something that everyone likes. It's such a great feeling to create a dinner that your family enjoys eating and is actually good food. Cooking gives me a chance to give rather than get. It's important to be selfless, and give to my family when I can.

This was a difficult area for me, and I struggled with it for some time. I wasn't used to doing or giving, and doing so with the right motive. Now the variable here is the motive. I was a big fan of giving and doing, but I wanted something in return - some sort of praise or favor. God is helping me develop as a joyful giver and a blessing. I want to bless my family, first and foremost. As the man and provider of my home, it's easy to get lost in the world and start thinking of me - all that I do and what do I get in return. This isn't what God wants. God wants me to bless my family and praise His name. This isn't natural but since I'm born again God is helping me with this issue as I seek His wisdom. I tell you, it feels great though. To give and provide, and then want to bless my family as much as I can, and lesson the urge to expect something in return. If I allow God to use me as a blessing, He will bless me and my family so much more!

**Tonight's dish, by the way, was Tia's favorite - verde chicken tacos!

3 chicken breasts covered in Weber Kick'n Chicken seasoning and taco seasoning - grill it!

Several tomatillos, poblano and jalapeƱo peppers - grill 'em! Then blend them with some kosher salt, lime juice, pepper and white wine vinegar.

Cut up the chicken, put some in a soft taco shell, cover it with the salsa verde - onions - cheese. Make it your own, and enjoy it!

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