Sunday, August 26, 2012

Bicycle ride.

I don't remember the first time I rode a bike. I don't remember - or even know - if my parents had one of those little baby seats that attach to the back of a bike. My best friend let me borrow his, since his boys are too big or too small for it. I took my son Joel on a ride today, just the two of us. It felt so great to be riding along with my little man right there behind me. He could stand to keep his helmet on this time. This was the second outing in his baby bike seat. The first time in it, the whole family went. This time, just us.

While we were riding along, I felt this connection, even though I couldn't see him all the time or hold him, I felt as one. He is my son and I love him. There is no doubt of my love for my son. I am so blessed to be a father and enjoy his company, even though he is only two weeks shy of one year old. Imagine my love for my son, this unconditional, far reaching, surpassing, connected love. I do my best for this little guy, and hope that I give him all the love that I can. I imagine then, the extent of the love God has for me. God is flawless, eternal, unconditional, everlasting, eternal and unchanging. His love is the ultimate display of affection, so great that I cannot even comprehend it. It is His word that helps me to understand His love for me.

A week ago, my wife and I were at a Gospel Truth Conference. This was our first trip away since we've had Joel. We both missed him dearly. While worshipping, I closed my eyes and imagined lifting Joel up in my arms and holding him against my shoulder. He loves this, and will rest his head against my shoulder - so precious! Then, God showed me that His love is like mine for my son, only greater and unchanging. I thought how could God love ME so much? I'm flawed, I make mistakes, and I'm certain I disappoint. God still loves me! Gaining more affirmation and revelation of God's love for me has been huge. Many situations with my family and especially with being a father to a son, have brought me into better understanding of God's love.

I realize more each day, that He loves me and desires nothing more than to comfort me in His arms. Thank you Father, praise God!

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