Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Be real.

I haven't had a post in a couple weeks. Truth be told, I couldn't think of what to write about. Why now, am I thinking of what to blog about? I want to express my journey as a man, devout to living a life for Christ and further seeking Him. It's simple, and uncomplicated, so why am I adding this degree of difficulty?

My wonderful wife lent me a bit of insight - just be real. I love her for this honesty, and I cherish her as my best friend.

Here's the real. I have to be real and not a facade. It's finding my identity. My God lends me insight to my identity on a daily basis, but I need to seek Him for that information. I haven't been engaged in the word as much as I had been, or as much as I should. The strange thing is, I have an aching desire to spend time in the word and communicate with God - I miss it.

Focusing on God, and further seeking knowledge of my identity in Him makes each day better. I feel stronger, smarter, healthier and generally have a much better outlook on everything. When I think of all the great things I can do, I thank God for these abilities. I can fix cars, I can cook, I can do business, I can love, I can be a best friend, I can be a great father - I can be a great man!

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