Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Getting There - The War Wages On

It has been nearly a year since I started blogging my journey with Christ. I would have liked to have written more posts, but living life is much more fruitful than documenting it. The past year has been a whirlwind of struggles and triumphs - more triumphs, though. 

When I look back, and look inward, I see the same struggle of self rearing its ugly head. It's not as often, and it is more easily defeated than before. This, I thank God for. 

God has helped me grow. Knowing more of who God is and how much he loves me is what has awakened the best of me. Notice that God loves me, present tense. God didn't love me once and forget about me. He isn't waiting for me to be perfect and worthy of His love. He loves me now! He always has. God was waiting for me - to seek Him. 

I'm seeking Him, more now than ever. I want to be on fire for God. I want to be a man of God. I want to constantly live in the knowledge of his love towards me. I want to seek a relationship with Him. I want to shout that I AM GOD'S PEOPLE! 

Creator of heaven and earth. A God so mighty, he holds the universe in the palm of His hand. A God who so loved the world, He gave His only Son - He died so we may live! God made the rainbow to show His promise. What can I make to show my love for God!

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