Thursday, August 23, 2012

Enjoy these moments.

It would be easy to work 70 hours a week and be completely absorbed in business or my job. What's difficult, is getting to a place where you can shut yourself off to that noise and focus on what truly matters. I've always been wanting to spend more time in the Word but fought it with the "not enough time" excuse. Face it, it's simply an excuse and not reality.

I started waking up 30 minutes sooner so my daughter has time to get ready for school and so I can drop her off on my way to work. Initially, this was a drag. Poor me - I have to wake up early. But how long will she be a kid, and I can take her to school? I spent my extra time this morning reading a teaching on self-centered mind. Dedicating my new free time to God and to renewing my mind - priceless.

I suppose the point is, enjoy these blessings and moments and praise God for them. I want to allow my self time to get to know God better, and definitely give Him thanks for all He has provided.

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