Thursday, August 23, 2012


It's difficult, not sometimes, but every day, to wake up and live this day for Christ. It is not easy to die to yourself and not live carnal minded, but I tell you the rewards of focusing on God and accepting the righteousness that Jesus died for us to attain, is priceless. Being truly humbled by love is a key to seeking a renewal of my mind, and I want to share my journey. This is my life as Husband, Dad, Dude AND Christian!

I am a selfish brat by nature, sinful and only concerned for myself. I have fought long and hard when the solution, and the victory was already won for me, I just hadn't accepted it. Jesus died and paid the price for sin, my sin, and I am dead to it forevermore by accepting Jesus as my savior. What an honor! What a show of love, that I didn't understand, that my God would die so that I may live. It's more than just going to heaven when I die, it's living an eternal life with the Lord, even now on earth. To receive these gifts, I have much to overcome. I have pride, I have greed, lust, envy, strife, the list goes on. However, there is a root that breeds life to this rotten tree still present in my life - my self-centered mind! The source of my struggles, is my own selfishness, and concern for my own feelings, and worrying solely for myself. The antidote to this poisonous faction of my life? The Word! God's word, and truths, that a renewing of my mind is necessary to benefit from my salvation in Jesus Christ. Here I go, dying to myself so that I may live in Christ. Come along with me!

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