Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Hope Comes in the Morning.

I want to be stirred up. I want to be full of God. I pray that my focus is on Him. The more I listen to a teaching on the word, or read scripture, the more alive I feel. The problem areas in my life are solved when my attention is turned to The Lord.

I have been dealing with doubt and self-centeredness, which before I have noted lead to grief. The world has started to rule my thoughts and make it difficult to have joy. I haven't been pleasant to be around either. Diving back into the word of God and His perfect love, has revealed to me the gifts that I have. I have been granted care over the most amazing children I could ever ask for. I have been blessed with the most wonderful wife, who has become my best friend and partner in this journey. God has also granted me prosperity, both in health and finances. I am so thankful for these gifts, and know they are only possible through Jesus Christ.

It is always darkest before the dawn, but hope comes in the morning. In my darkest hours, God is there. When it feels like it would be easy to give up, I want to remember that God will not challenge me with more than I can handle. I was made for this life! How awesome is that?

I want to continue to seek The Lord for truth, and knowledge of His love, so that I may be an example of God's perfect love. Lord, I thank you for loving me first, and blessing me.