Wednesday, January 23, 2013

focus on HIM

It just has to be. So many times I want to put the focus on myself. I look to the world for answers, gratification, reassurance. Just about 100% of the time, the world gives me lies. The world tells me I'm a failure, that I can never win and am destined to suffer.

Wait! Why does it seem like the world is so against me?

Personally, I think the world is jealous. Simply put, I know God loves me and thinks I'm pretty great. The world doesn't have that. The world is fallen and full of sinners. I'm a sinner just like all the rest of the world, but I have the greatest love of all - God! When I put my focus back on Him, amazing things happen. It's inside of me and even reflected on the outside. My whole day, and life turns out so much better when I focus on God and what His son Jesus did to save me.

Here's a reminder, to myself, focus on Him. Give thanks to God, and praise Jesus each and every day. Make the choice to focus on God and I will BE the new creation that He made me.
